I was recently reminded of a conversation I had with God roughly 8 years ago. It was at a time when singlehood was a rewarding way of life. I was happy with the way things were, and I just happened to mention to God that if things could continue the way they were at that moment, I'd be happy to just continue living that way. I was weeks away from making a radical change in my life that would lead me to an exciting and off beat lifestyle that would revolve around 3 things that I loved: God, people, and the arts. As an afterthought I added, "If you WANT me to be married some day, I want my marriage to glorify you and honor you. I don't want to get married if it's purpose is not to enhance my life's ministry." Never did I expect to meet my husband just two weeks later.
We recently celebrated the anniversary of the day we met. After 8 years of being a couple, it didn't occur to me that we should celebrate it, but it did occur to Brian. We had a wonderful night of dinner, conversation, $10 hot chocolate, and a relaxing nighttime walk around the riverwalk. It was wonderful and just what I needed to remind me of my purpose in marriage, motherhood, and life.
I remember that conversation I had with God vividly. It was, to me, a burning bush moment.
My relationship with Brian is easy. Loving him is easy. Wanting to spend time with him? Easy. Seeing him every day? Can't get enough of him. But this marriage thing, this family thing, this grown-up parenting thing? not so easy sometimes.
Meeting and falling in love with Brian was, to me, a response to that burning bush moment. It was a promise. Yesterday my husband presented me with a rainbow. A reminder that God is faithful to complete the work that he began, and that he never breaks his promises.