Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I used to be a pretty laid back driver. It seems that I inherited my mother's driving skills and I've always had a habit of accidently cutting people off, going through the stop sign in a 4 way stop before it's my turn, and generally pissing off other motorists. I used to do the "It's still yellow, so I'll run this red light" thing, before a City of Chicago Police Department camera caught me running one on Madison and Pulaski and sent me a $90 ticket with pictures of my car. (Those cameras really work!) I really don't do it to be a nasty driver or to be rude, I've just been kind of clueless. I was a nice bad driver though...again I got that from my mother. When people yelled at me, or flipped me off, or gave me dirty looks; I made the "Oops!" face and mouthed "I'M SORRY!" I never really understood why people got soo mad. I mean, nothing happened right? Why get so worked up over the possibility of having a car accident? We didn't actually have one, so relax! Enjoy the rest of your day!

THAT attitude has changed. It started when I was about 8 months pregnant and my doctor told me that I would have to cut down on my driving for work.

"If you get into a car accident, your belly will hit the wheel and hurt the baby."

"You mean there IS a baby in there? and it can get hurt?"

I surprised myself this week when I had to resist the temptation to put the car in park, walk up to the guy that was recklessly driving a semi and say,

"Don't you know what I have in that car? The most precious baby on earth. My reason for living. I carried her in my womb for 9 months while God put togather every cell in her body, breathed the air in her lungs and handed her off to me. Every breath she takes is a gift to me and every laugh she makes is a little ray of sunshine. You put her and every other little precious child on this road in jeapardy when you drive like that. Count your lucky stars that our vehicles did not make contact, because if they had, you would have experienced rage and fury unlike anything you could ever imagine."

It still surprises me how much I'm resembling a grown up more and more each day.


E. Michelle said...

I didn't relate this to the mommyhood thing, but I am too becoming so conscientious. it is a gratifying feeling for me, how bout you?

Lizzie W. said...

It is gratifying. Being conscientious has been a theme for me lately. It makes me feel responsible. And grown up.

I like it.

By the way, thanks for the Christmas card! Judah is as cute as ever.

E. Michelle said...

You're totally welcome! Thanks. maybe he and amy could have a date sometime... a playdate, ofcourse. WE want to visit in february or April so we'll have to wait until then.