Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why I decided to go back to work...a series

I've been wanting to post about work for a while now. This is a big part of my life and I want Aimee to know why I went back to work, the feeling surrounding this decision, how I'm coping, how she's adjusted, and whatever else comes up. Today I'm just going to list the reasons.

In no specific order....

1. I love my job.
2. I love the people I work with. Yes. Love.
3. My Vice-President, Director, and Coworkers are the most gracious, suportive, encouraging people I know in Corporate America.
4. I have a GREAT schedule that allows me time with Aimee.
5. I get to work from home.
6. I have a GREAT sitter.
7. I make a decent salary.
8. I'm good at what I do.
9. I do not feel lead to quit right now.
10. My husband supports me working.

Stay tuned for more...

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