Sunday, January 22, 2006

The two Aimee's

Someone got a little comfortable...

Last week, we visited Mrs. Simpson. We had a great time!

Our prayers were answered and we got an awesome snow fall this
weekend. We took advantage of the beautiful day to take Aimee out
for her first sled ride. The pics are posted on her Album. Check them out!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted. Life has been really busy lately and it's really hard to find both the time and emotional energy to write anything interesting.

Aimee keeps doing this teething thing, but no teeth! She has been uncharacteristically grumpy, whinny, and frequently stops in the middle of whatever she's doing to whine and want to snuggle (I really like that part). She is noticeably thinner because she hasn't been wanting to eat the last few days. I've been giving her extra bottles of formula and I've been eating apples in front of her to tempt her, then putting a chunk in her baby feeder so that she'd have a little something.
This weekend, Brian was the one that bought the baby food and he bought her some fruit/meat combination dinners. I never would have chosen them because I give her fruit in the morning and want her to have veggies with dinner. It must have been providence because not only did she eat the fruit/meat combo. She LOVED it and ate all of it. I also gave her some veggies and she ate that too.

Yesterday, she decided to have a tantrum at dinner and she showered me and the whole kitchen with baby food. Then she wanted out of her chair and into my arms. So snuggle she did and in the process smeared me with chicken and apples and zucchini. I guess I should make it a habit to wear t-shirts when I feed her.

Every morning I wake up and hope for a tooth. It reminds me of when I went past my due date. Every morning I'd wake up and hope I was in labor. Well, the tooth will come when it's ready, just like Aimee did. In the mean time, I have to be patient with her, just like Brian was with me.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I know my fellow Chicagoans will probably hate me for this, considering the beautiful spring-like weather we've been enjoying in the middle of JANUARY. However, Brian and I are praying for a good snow so that we can take Aimee out in this sled that her Grandpa got her. This pic is so cute, I had to post it twice. Just looking at this makes me want to go wake her up and play with her.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Brian took this last week. Aimee was just getting over her cold and this was the first time either of us were able to get any sleep in days. She's so beautiful in this picture that she doesn't even look real.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Resolution #1

I'm organizing my house.

  • If you have ever lent me a book that I forgot to give back, now's the time to claim it people! Send me an email with the title of the book and your address and I'll stick it in the mail.
  • If there is a book you've been wanting to read, but have been to lazy to get, send me an email with the title and your address and I may be able to hook you up. I've got a pretty decent library.
  • I'm also willing to part with back issues of Real Simple, Woman's Day, and Newsweek magazines. So if you are know the deal.

Happy New Year!