Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well...I enjoyed it while I had it.

My waist that is. I actually had one for a good 4 or 5 months. It's gone now, it disappeared to make room for a sibling for Aimee. For those of you that havn't heard through the grapevine, I am officially in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Needless to say, we will be taking a vacation in the next few months. Vegas? New Orleans? The Caribbean? What do you suggest?


Emily said...


Lunatic Biker said...

Gee thanks, now I can post the pictures of Aimee with her announcement t-shirt on.

Lunatic Biker said...

And stop bellyaching about the weight...I'll pay your Weight Watcher's dues after you have the baby.

Love Ray

Anonymous said...

um...DID I KNOW THAT? i don't remember knowing that!!! aaarrrggghhh! i hope i didn't hear that and forget cause that would make me Mighty Forgetful.
love you liz!

Yoli said...

New Orleans probably needs the tourist money more than Vegas, but the Star Trek Hilton and Old Vegas rock!!! And all the casinos have at least one or two things to see if you aren't a gamblin' gal. STH had a replica of the Enterprise Bridge as part of a ride. If you go, you have to bring me back something from the STH gift shop...but not a Klingon Goblet. I got one of when I went. A magnet will be fine.