Monday, March 19, 2007

Who the Hell is Minnie Mouse anyway?

I've come to realize that pretty soon, I'm going to have to start addressing "Keeping up with the Joneses" issues with Aimee. Living in a community where million dollar homes are literally visible from our backyard, I knew I'd have to deal with the subject sooner or later. I just didn't think I'd have to start thinking about it now. See, Aimee has a friend who is three yrs old. She is a gifted talker and the sweetest little thing EVER. The thing with her is that her family goes to Disney AT LEAST once a year and vacations about every 3 or 4 months. Brian and I have known this family for years and they have been very very kind to us. Since their daughter is exactly one year older than Aimee, Aimee has become the beneficiary of TONS of designer and boutique clothes that no longer fit her little friend and are perfectly in season.

This little girl comes over for play dates every few weeks. Having been to Disney a few months back, she still relives every moment of her Disney dream vacation, and shares it with everyone who is within earshot. "I had tea with Princess Cinderella! The REAL Cinderella! I got on the teacup ride. I didn't get sick. I wore my princess dress and everyone thought I was a real princess! Minnie Mouse is a girl. She lives in Disneyworld." and on and on and on.

That got me to thinking, "How am I going to deal with this when Aimee asks why we can't go to Disneyworld? Or why don't we shop at the mall for all of our clothes? Or Why aren't WE going to Wisconsin Dells every spring break with the rest of families in her class?" The answer? I'm going to lie. The little girl's mom already knows that as soon as Aimee starts to understand the wonders that her daughter speaks about, I'm going to tell Aimee that the little girl is crazy and that Disney World doesn't even exist. Why don't we shop at the Mall? Because the clothes at Target are WAY WAY cooler. Especially the $3 T-shirts and $5 Jeans. If she doesn't believe me, I'm going to tape every cool Target commercial and make her watch them until her little brain has been programmed to believe every single thing the people at Target want her to believe. Why don't we spend $1000 at the Dells every season? Because the only people that go to the Dells are the people that can't get into Phillips Park Aquatic Center, which by the way, is HALF PRICE after 4 pm. Why can't they get in? Because they are dirty.

Unless I can think of a more clever way to address the issue, I think that lying is definately the way to go. Keeping up with the Joneses was never a problem for me because I grew up in a modest neighborhood where hardly anyone wore mall clothes or vacationed. Besides, my mother managed to give us a very broad worldview. We traveled to Mexico, took a few fun beach vacations, and were raised to really appreciate fine things. I never felt pressure to live up to anyone else's standards. Hopefully my lies will work.

Luckily I still have a year or so to develop a Plan B.


Yoli said...

Lizzie, at least one of Aimee's aunts will have a compost pile in the backyard of her rented barely-not-condemned-house. She'll be subjected to my unshaven legs, and fun days with tia will constitue going for long hikes in the forest preserve while eating homemade granola and drinking juice from containers where the brand label will be torn off or otherwise covered up. I promise every gift she gets will be from the used hippie gift store. Hope this helps.

stephanie said...

yea, all my presents will be cool, fashionable attire. she has the coolest aunt in the world. aimiee is waaay too coool to be wearing minnie mouse clothes. seriously.

plus, when people say they´ve been to disney world or wisconsion dells, she can say ¨oh thats nice, ive been to mexico and saw the ocean, not a swimming pool¨ plus, she will have amazing toys from rome.

but, material things dont matter. not even if madonna says so.

stephanie said...

two new blogs. check it out.

Anonymous said...

I am sure when Aimee be able to understand the conversation she'll be happy for her friend and will be eager and excited to hear about her friend's expiriences in Disneyworld(I love Sleeping Beauty).
Now, remember that liers don't go to heaven so, I would teach Aimee value the things that realy matter i.e. love and true friendship.
On second tought, I don't think you should worry about not being able to provide luxuries for Aimee, she has wonderfull parents who know the Lord and are doing a great job raicing her. I am sure she'll grow up to be a well adjusted girl, just count her blessings,she is sorrounded by love, five osome grand parents and extended family that love her so much and designer clothes that she make look so good.

Lizzie W. said...

Thanks mom...but did you think this post was funny?