Friday, June 22, 2007


Since I haven't really devoted a post to being pregnant yet, and it's already been almost 7 months completed, I guess I'll fill you in on the details...

This pregnancy has been far far easier than when I was pregnant with Aimee. Having Aimee to chase around all day and needing to keep her involved in interesting activities has really helped me to keep up my energy and motivation. Being a lot thinner at the start of the pregnancy has helped a lot. I am proud to say that at 6 1/2 months about 1/3 of my wardrobe is not maternity.

I havn't had horrible cravings, except that in the first trimester I didn't have any desire to eat and when I did it was expensive pizza or Popeyes Chicken. The second trimester has been all about carbs and fruit. Cereal, waffles, pancakes, cherries, strawberries. In my effort to combine the two, the other night I announced to Brian out of the blue that I wished we had a donut factory in our living room so that I could have jelly donuts whenever I wanted. As chunky as THAT sounds, I started this week out with 4 Krispy Kreme donuts lovingly packaged in wax paper and a gallon sized zip lock on the counter and 5 days later, I still have 2 left.

I've been trying to prepare Aimee for her little brother and she actually says "brother", but I'm sure that nothing will really be able to prepare her for what is coming. Brian and I are really excited about the new addition to our family and can't wait to meet the little guy.

We feel very blessed


E. Michelle said...

how fabulous it all is.

Lunatic Biker said...

For sure it's a boy? First I've heard. What a relief. I thought I was going to have to pull a Michael Douglas to keep my family name going. Take care. Eat your donuts.