Terrible Twos. This will go down as the most trying, exhausting, personal growth producing period of my life.
My home is a battlefield of wills right now. I refuse to lose, but I also refuse to spank. There are days that it takes so much energy to control myself that I can feel a stroke coming on. Yoli hates it when people say, "You'll never really understand until you...." But this is one case where using that term is entirely appropriate. If you are a parent, you know what I mean. If you are not....well...enjoy.
So then, your pain is Uncle Ray's pleasure? At least you're young. You coulda had the kids when you were 40 and then you'd have the terrible 2's plus you'd be OLD. I love ya...except when you make me park the car.
Uh, the joy's of motherhood. handle it with lots of prayer, add some patients, a double dose of love but be firm, most important, do not repeat your mother's mistakes! and never loose your cool... things will get better.
I love you mija.
Trust me,this will become a distant memory.
I agree with Mona. It will all be over b-4 u know it. Then, when Aimee's about 5, you'll be like: "Terrible 2s? I can hardly remember." Try this: like my good friend (Super Nanny), put her in a corner for time-out. But u wanna know something that will really surprise {and make her reflect as well}? When she yells, yell with her. Let me know what happens...
Aida, that's so interesting! I read this book called "Happiest Toddler on the Block" and it also said to mimic whatever tone your child is using. I thought it sounded pretty silly so I didn't try it, but maybe now I'll rethink that.
I'm learning to let people feel what they feel and express it how they want. I admit that there is A LOT I will never fully empathize with even if I can sympathize a bit. I've it easy. I can give her back when I'm done. Love you sis. Good luck! I know you can do it.
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