Thursday, February 21, 2008


I'm at a crossroads and it's kind of scary. I was accepted at Northern Illinois University (yes, the same school that's been in the news for that horrible thing that happened last week). It's a good school. If I decide to go, it will mean two years...maybe more...of discomfort for our family while I complete my bachelor's degree. The other option I've looked into is a small boutique university that specializes in Adult degree completion programs. While it has a great reputation in the Education field, their business program is known for "cranking out degrees".

I heard something interesting the other day. Someone was saying that often times we do not succeed because we are afraid. Sometimes we fear failure, other times we fear success, but usually we fear leaving our comfort zone in order to achieve. Later on, I heard something else that I am claiming for myself. "Would God bring me this far to not see me through to the end?" My answer is a resounding "NO! He doesn't leave his work unfinished!"

Stay tuned to find out what happens as I make a HUGE decision in the next two weeks.


Yoli said...

Good luck Lizard! If I can afford to take a summer class at U of C, we can complain about our homework together! Yay continuing adult education!...or which ever program you choose.

Aida said...

how 'bout online college?

stephanie said...

something i think about whenever im struggling to buy groceries is that if i went o IUN i would end up getting the same degree. well my major isn't offered at IUN but you get my drift. i mean, at the end of the day, i will receive the same piece of paper as the person who spent 1/8 of what i had to spend to get it. although i had a great experience here and will always think fondly of my college years, ill always have that little idea looming in the back of my mind. now, is that an incentive to go to degree central or Northern, i dont know but thats just my two cents.

besides, its not the degree you obtain its the job you do after you get that degree that counts. i mean, a piece of paper means nothing if you dont have the skills to back it up. so as far as im concerned a person can graduate from HARVARD and suck at their job. its all about the way to use what you've learned and how you can succeed outside of the classroom that counts.