Sunday, February 10, 2008


So in order to bring closure to the really long blog about being dissed by a good friend, I feel like I should share how the story ended.

I did a lot of emotional/spiritual work over the past several weeks and that whole situation was really an aid in helping me to be released of other issues that were affecting me.

A few days after writing that blog, there was a reconciliation with this person. There was an apology and an explaination. The things going on in this person's life were much worse than I knew and a small part of me felt guilty for making this story all about me. However, I have the freedom to say that I am the central character in my own story, so I'm not going to discount my own feelings.

The wonderful thing is that had this reconcilation happened a week sooner, I would have been robbed of the lesson and healing. I am thankful for the work that God is doing in me. I am thankful that these lessons will lead to stronger friendships, a more effective ministry in my life, and a greater understanding my own value. I am not ashamed of the work God is doing in me.


Yoli said...

Glad you were able to work things out and feel good about the lesson Liz. Funny how we can get impatient about stuff like this but then, once we seem to have given up, things turn around.

stephanie said...

i miss my niece and nephew. pray that god gives me a car to drive out to visit you.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that amazing? how the Lord all mighty interact in our lives, proving that His word is true(Romans 8:28)and I marvel because at one point in my life I tout that He was to busy to care for the little details of our lives, but He has a reason for everything that he allows in our life and I praise Him because you were able to see His purpose.
Steph Don't you think we need to pray for a J O B before the car? Love you guys.