Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Punk Rock Puppy

Our little guy is going through his rebellious stage.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is "Oh, My Gosh"

Yoli said...

Aw! My nephew is sooo cool! He and I should go bar hoping when I get back.

Yoli said...

BTW, what kind of mutt is the rem anyway?...from one mutt to another of course.

Lizzie W. said...

He's 1/2 Maltese and 1/2 Bishon Frise.

Yoli said...

They are cousins you know, those breeds are. Maltese's are known for being trainable and fun. Emphasis on trainable...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Lunatic Biker said...

He would fit perfectly in my messenger bag for bike rides. Naturally,with his head out so he can see everything.

Lizzie W. said...

Dear 3rd anonymous...Your comment has been removed. But I do want to respond to it. I think that 2nd anonymous may have left that comment as a good natured joke.

But you are right...we should also worry about people cruelty. To be honest, while I'm worried about people cruelty, I'm also worried about you, 3rd anonymous comment leaver. See, people jokingly saying that this haircut is being cruel to my dog bothers me less than anonymous comment leavers anonymously insulting my friends that leave cute comments in jest.

This bothers me for several reasons:

1. There are ways to express your feelings without hating on other people.

2. This blog is a friendly place, and I love it when people comment. Your confrontational comments out of left field discourage my friends from making cute harmless joking comments that I rather enjoy.

3. There is a time and place for everything. A comment section about my dog's hair cut is not the appropriate place for this particular soap box.

4. You didn't have the guts to say who you are.

3rd anonymous comment leaver...please take my advise, if you want people to care about your cause, you may want to think about how you deliver your message. Anonymous attacks on friendly blogs do nothing to advance the fight against people cruelty. In fact, people may think you are such a jerk, that you may be doing your cause more harm than good.

ps, Remmy does thank you for coming to his defense.