Friday, February 03, 2006

I went to the hospital today...

to visit my cousin, her husband, and their newborn baby. It wasn't a joyful visit, but one filled with anxiety and crying. The baby was born on Monday and they discovered a heart defect last night. He was transported at 11 pm from a hospital in Indiana to a hospital in suburban Chicago because he needs more acute care than the hospital he was born in can offer. He had a blood transfusion this morning because they are drawing so much for tests. They are waiting for his condition to stablize to perform the surgery that will repair his heart.

It goes without saying that if you are reading this, you should pray for him. I've never met some of you who read this because you stumbled upon it through a mutual friend or whatever, but I'm asking you to join in faith and intercede with us for the little guy's health, and his parent's comfort and sanity.


1 comment:

Kristen said...

I will pray, Lizzie.

Thanks for stopping by the blog and for your comments on breastfeeding. It's really good to hear a recent mom's perspective!