Friday, February 16, 2007


I don't know when it happened. A few days ago? Last Week? It just seemed like one day Aimee woke up and decided that she wants to have looong conversations. From the moment she wakes up until the moment she falls asleep, long strings of words spoken with emphatic expression come out of her mouth. Some are in English and others are in her secret toddler language that only doggies, babydolls, and other babies understand. I try so hard to decode what she's saying. I find myself listening and thinking "ok. What she just said rhymes with... Nope. I've got nothing."

She's figured out that all of the yummy things come from the pantry, so when I'm not looking, she opens the door and reaches for whatever she can find. Just the other day I found her walking around the house with her little fist jammed into the box of oyster crackers. She carried them over to the fireplace, sat down, and started sharing them with remmy. 1 for Remmy, 2 for her, 1 for Remmy, 2 for her.

She now takes some ownership over daily tasks. She pulls her toddler bath out from under the sink when it's bath time. She let's me know when she needs a diaper change and hands me the baby wipes (She keeps one or two to change her baby's diaper). She also likes to put moisturizer on herself and gets mad if I do it for her.
I've been taking her to the mall toddler play area once or twice a week to give her a chance to run around. Usually when it's time to go home, we leave with her kicking and screaming. However, the last few times we've gone, she's let me know that she's ready to leave by putting her coat on and climbing into the stroller.

Now that her hair is getting longer, I 'm tempted every day to not comb it. Her curls are so pretty that I want everyone to see them. I love this picture because it shows her curly hair.

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