Yesterday we had a MUCH needed family date. I just noticed that Brian likes to call everything a date. Taking Aimee for dinner and Home Depot isn't just that, it's a Daddy-Daughter Date. So going out to dinner as a family isn't just going out to dinner, it's a Family Date. Sweet guy.
I am now firmly convinced that no matter how hard I try, I'll never be one of those women that's ok with being in the house for days at a time. In the past several months, Aimee and I have developed a schedule that includes daily outings. Whether it's to Mom's Coffee, Play dates, or just running to the mall for a quick play in the Toddler Play area while I enjoy a Starbucks coffee, we both need to get out of the house. Even taking care of Colin, my friend's baby, doesn't stop us from doing our thing. His parent's are ok with me taking him to my weekly playdate, and juggling two kids has been good practice for me. (Don't get excited there Grandparents!) But this weather! Oh this weather. For one, I don't have the heart to take Aimee out when it's 1 degree outside. Secondly, Brian and the neighbor on the corner of Medford and Village Green have revoked my driving privileges when there is snow. Did I ever tell you about the time when I got the car stuck in the snow and Brian had to come home from work to dig me out? Did I tell you how I called him right after his boss found out about a very BIG mistake he made? And did I tell you about the time when Brian told me to not go out because it was icy and I didn't listen to him? About how I ended up crashing into a neighbor's mailbox? Yeah. That's why I can't drive in the snow anymore.
After a full week of not leaving the house for any meaningful recreation, combining that with the five hours I spent trying to do our taxes (We have to itemize because I worked from home we both had unreimbursed work expenses), I half jokingly declared to Brian that I just wanted to die.
That little declaration of mine prompted the decision that no matter how cold it would be, we'd pack up the minivan and go on a family date. He came home a little early and we bundled up Aimee and took her to our friendly neighborhood Chinese Buffet. We had a blast. (How my life has changed since the days when having a blast meant $80 on dinner followed by Ballet or Theater). Aimee was excited to wear her new mittens. She ate like she hasn't eaten in weeks. And Brian and I were able to actually have a conversation, although most of it was about how much Jello and grapes Aimee could stuff in her mouth at once. The crowning event of the evening was when for the first time ever, Aimee held my hand and WALKED all the way to the van. She didn't even think of asking to be carried. It was a great moment for me. My back was so happy that it almost went into a fit of spasms...or maybe that's from months of carrying a 27 lb toddler everywhere I go. After that, we stopped at the CVS and turned what was supposed to be a quick $5 stop into a half hour long $60 trip. Those sales can really get to you!
Aimee rode in one of those carts that have a little car in the front and she loved it.
When we got home, Brian gave her a bath while I got her jammies ready for bed. Since she goes to sleep pretty early, he tries to get as much time with her as he can by being the one who usually gives her her bath and gets her ready for bed. He towel dries her hair and spends a really long time combing it so that the part is a perfectly straight line. He doesn't care that in 5 minutes she'll be laying in her crib and it's going to be messed up. The machinist/engineer in him comes out and he can't bear to see his daughter with a crooked line in her hair! He gets her dressed while I get her room ready and we sing to her, pray for her, and make sure she has a baby doll or stuffed doggie in her crib. She went down without a fight last night. It was the perfect night in suburbia.
1 comment:
Liz! thanks for your comment on my vest blog. you're such a genuinely supportive friend! how/why did you get like that?
2. I read this while listening to John Mayer's HomeLife (tell me you know that song. i love it!)it was the perfect soundtrack to this post.
3. Brian has always been the Sweetest Guy I know. and I am married to a Sweetie. don't ever let him change.
4. love you.
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