Tuesday, April 03, 2007


It's no secret that I've been feeling pretty crappy this week. I've actually been feeling the pregnant lady blues and spent most of Monday crying about one thing or another; the episode of Oprah, not feeling well, and at the end the day...Deal or No Deal (I mean COME ON!). Pregnancy has NOT been pretty this week.

However, in the gloominess of my day there have been lots of little rays of sunshine produced mainly by Aimee. The cute Shirley Temple curls my mom made for her on Monday, her learning how to say Cookie and Yucky (and confusing the two), and her singing her bedtime song. Brian and I usually sing to her the song, then we sing it again in kitty voices. "Meow Meow Meow....meow meow meow meow" When we sing the words to the song, it ends with "yes...I....do...." So when Aimee lays in her crib, she sings the kitty version and ends it with the sweetest little, "I...dooo". I wish I could put it in a bottle and keep it with me forever.


Yoli said...

Awww!!! I love her too...and you.

Lunatic Biker said...

When you're being a crybaby just give me a call and I'll straighten you out. Or you can call Granny and get really confused.