This probably won't top the story our friends told us. They were on a road trip when they saw that their son had rubbed melted chocolate all over his face, when they realized that they hadn't given him a chocolate bar. Then they realized it wasn't chocolate, and they only had 7 babywipes. This cautionary tale has kept Aimee's diaper bag fully stocked with babywipes and a canister of clorox bleach wipes tucked away in the van since before she was even born.
While it would take a lot to top that story, I finally (regrettably) have our own poop story to tell...
I was in the shower this morning when Aimee woke up. In the 10 minutes it took me to finish showering and getting dressed, Aimee managed to take all of her clothes off, stuff her diaper in a remote corner of the crib where I couldn't easily get to it, pee on the other corner of her crib, take a big poop (she didn't go yesterday) and fling the poop across the room. I couldn't even find her diaper or clothes until I moved the entire crib. Her diaper was completely dry and her blankie was entirely soaked.
I immediately put her in the tub and gave her a bath. I let her play in her little toddler tub for a minute while I pulled the dirty sheets off her crib and in THAT short time, she used the little bucket we use when we bathe her to dump half of the water out of her toddler tub onto the bathroom floor.
If anyone feels like babysitting anytime soon, please PLEASE drop me an email.
U no what this means! TIME TO POTTY-TRAIN! trust me, it's gonna be an exciting adventure.......
awww lol this made me crack up crazily
man, those first people sound like losers!=)
and, holy cow, this story is worse because it is clear Aimee Meant to torture you with her poop.
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