Saturday, July 05, 2008

Always have a camera handy...

I woke up Friday morning a little before 7 am. I would have liked to have slept in, but Aimee had other ideas. The phone rang as soon as I walked down the stairs and I immediately wondered who the heck was calling so early, and WHY were they calling so early. It was my neighbor. "Liz, look out your back window!" My immediate thought was that I was finally going to see the 2 dozen bats she swears live in our tree, the ones that according to her, come out every day at dawn and dusk. I have yet to see a single bat.

So I looked out the window and saw one of the most awe-inspiring and exhilarating sights I've ever seen in my life. About 8 hot air balloons landing in the field behind our house.
I yelled up to Brian that he needed to get up RIGHT NOW and look out the window. I ran outside and acted like I was three years old.

The hot air balloons were part of a yearly festival that happens in the suburb one town away called, "Eyes to the Skies". The balloons were participating in some sort of competition. A team of people set up a giant "X" in the field and the people in the balloons dropped small bean bags with a parachute as they drifted past the "X". They landed in the field, then returned back to the festival.

Brian and I ran back in as soon as they landed to get our camera. Our joy was quickly turned to a little bit of frustration as we realized that our nice digital camera has gone missing. It was hard to be too upset, however. The balloons were so beautiful and really kind of magical. It really takes a lot to impress me and make me feel like a little kid again. This did the trick.


Yoli said...

That is so awesome to read Lizm! Thanks for putting a little magic back into my life after a crappy weekend happening.

Yoli said...

Hope Danny is feeling better.