Sunday, July 13, 2008


It was a fantastic few days in Indiana. We are back home now. Aimee got very emotional when she saw Brian. She was so busy with all of the fun things we had going on that I think she actually forgot to miss him. When she saw him, she was flooded with emotion and spent the rest of the evening in tears. I asked her why she was crying and she sobbed and said, "I'm crying because I'm SAD! Where's daddy?" I can't wait until adolesence. If we survive it, I will expect a pat on the back.

We had

3 days of Vacation Bible School.
2 trips to Downtown.
1 first ride on the train. (2 if you count the return trip).
0 temper tantrums.
5 fighter jet sightings (from the Gary Airshow).

I got to read 2 books.

I'll go into more details later.

One more thing:

Brian rode the L.A.T.E. Ride last night.

25 Miles through Chicago and down the lake shore.
1 am - 5 am. Brian rode it in a little over 2 hours.
10,000 riders
1 pair of bunny ears on his helmet
Countless drunks cheering him on.
He said it was the time of his life.

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