Brian got a chance to speak in church today. Our church is doing a series about faith. I want to share with you what he said:
Curt started off by telling the church that He asked Brian out to lunch that same day he was let go and expected Brian to be a total wreck. He was really surprised that Brian was pretty calm about the whole thing.
Brian then talked about how losing his job was a real shock and how the last time he was let go from a job he was 24, lived with his parents and all he had was a car payment. He totally went off the deep end.
This time, even though he has a family to provide for, he felt oddly at peace and he knew that even if the worst was to happen (like losing our house or something) it wouldn't destroy our family and we'd be ok. He talked about how he learned over the past several years that a man's job doesn't define him, that his self worth comes from being loved by God and family. He also knew that God would provide for us. Then he said that that we could have prayed more, and we weren't walking around being all like, "we know God will give us what we want!" (He said it in an exaggerated manly voice), but that faith for him meant accepting whatever God has for us and knowing that we will be ok.
Then Curt shared that about a week and a half ago, Brian called him to have coffee and he was expecting to have to council Brian out of depression or something, but that it was to talk about his 1st job offer, and that while they were hanging out, the 2nd job offer came in!
Brian said that he was really thankful that God was faithful to us, even when we aren't as faithful to Him as we should be, that he was thankful for our family and friends, and that he KNOWS that the things that matter most are the relationships in our life with God and others.
Some of the other things he was going to share include:
Even though Brian felt pretty secure about not losing his job, he started bringing his tools and personal things home a few weeks before he lost his job. He feels that God was prepared him.
He took a class on hydrolics last semester and didn't just get an A, the retiring teacher told Brian that he should apply to teach the class next year. The company he works for now makes parts for hydrolic machinery.
Brian has made a big career jump, he wouldn't have had the guts to try out for this new job if he had stayed at his old job.
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