Saturday, October 10, 2009


Last night was movie night. We watched the Barbie version of The Nutcracker. Danny spent the entire movie jumping off the couch, wrestling, and spinning himself dizzy.

He was just a tiny little loaf of bread when he was born. 6 lbs, 7 oz. He was the easiest baby I could ask for. When Aimee started pre-school, he wasn't a year old and as soon as he learned to walk, he became like the Mayor of the community center. He would proudly walk in every morning and say hello to every single person in the hallway. He would stop to inspect anything that was new or seemed out of place. Everyone knew him and random people would stop me to tell me how quickly he was growing.

Now my little loaf of bread is two years old. His vocabulary leaves me speechless. He practically has Goodnight Moon memorized and has a favorite bible story. The story of David and Goliath.
He prays when we pray "Dear Jesus, Amen!" or "I love you, Amen!", and can't go to sleep without a hug and kiss from his older sister.

He jumps up and down Friday mornings when I tell him we are going to Story Time. We are taking a gymnastics class once a week and he can easily do somersaults, walk on the balance beam, and he conquered his fear of the giant scary looking Air Track. He loves making friends and is currently obsessed with feet.

When I feel how solid his little arms and legs are, and how sure he is of his movements, I am taken aback. The other day, Stephanie traced his foot to make me a little card to take to work(She says she tried to trace his hands, but he demanded that she trace his foot), and my stomach just sinks when I see how big he is. In my mind, he feet still fit in the palm of my hand, but the reality is that he keeps growing. and growing. and growing.

That card reminds me that I need to be intentional about enjoying my children. Danny will never get lost in a baby blanket again. I love love LOVE that he's growing. He is as delightful as I could have hoped for, but I wish he would stay little just a little longer.

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