Friday, October 20, 2006

Progress pictures

This is a picture of Brian and I exactly one year ago. We were celebrating our 2nd anniversary. I was wearing a (tight) size 24 and Brian a size 3 X.

Here we are yesterday. I'm in a (tight) size 16 and Brian is in XL.


Lunatic Biker said...

Very good. I'll have to send Brian some of my size xl shirts that were bought for one occasion and never worn again.

Anonymous said...

awww you guys look like urban suburbanite parents...very guys look 25.

Yoli said...

At least someone in the family looks 25. People keep telling me I look 19 when I'm at work stuff. Anyway, congrats Lizzie on another and healthier year of marriage! You guys look awesome!

E. Michelle said...

yay for you both!!! and happy anniversary.